Temperature Indicators
Are you concerned whether your product has been overexposed to temperature?
WarmMark Temperature Indicators will keep you and product safe upon arrival.
WarmMark time-temperature indicators provide a cost-effective tool for monitoring the temperature of your package. They are single-use devices that provide accurate, irreversible evidence of a temperature excursion. With the information you gather from these indicators, you can make smarter decisions across your cold chain.
- Delivers irreversible evidence of exposure to unacceptable temperature conditions •
- Provides cost-effective solution for last mile monitoring •
- Enables easy accept/reject decisions to be made •
- Assists in verifying the adequacy of the cold chain packaging •
- Aids in compliance with regulatory guidelines •
- Saves money and space since field armable indicators require no special packaging or storage •
- Available in pre-armed configurations for high volume packaging environments
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