Blood Foam Shippers
Blood Transporter Insulated Foam Shipper
Ideal for the transport and temporary storage of packed red blood cells, platelets, specimens and organs.
- Temperature Range and Duration: Storage, 1-6°C
- 8 hours Transport: 1-10°C: Min. of 12 hours Ambient Profile
- Room Temperature: (72°F / 22°C)
- Capacity: 1-7 Blood Bags (250 mL each)
- Insulation: Expanded Polypropylene
- Transports sensitive bio substance safely while maintaining required temperatures.
- Reusable Container for Blood Transport and Storage is ideal for the transport and temporary storage of packed red blood cells, platelets, specimens, and organs.
Inside dimensions:
(Depth x Width x Height) Interior 9.11" x 7.3" x 6.65".
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